This is about our world...and what you can do personally to make a difference
Many of us want to do something to help preserve the incredible planet we are privileged to inhabit. We are concerned about the extinction of species who, like us, just want to continue to be able to live here and thrive. We humans do not always hold up our end and protect the earth like we should.
Our non-profit, Green Energy Project, is focused on helping individuals understand what
they can can do in their own communities to address the impact of climate change.
There are smart, common sense things that we all can do within our personal sphere of influence that collectively will help in a meaningful way.
Here are some of them for you to consider.
If you'd like to join in, contact us today.
We'll you get started!
Thank you for helping to fund our project to help educate the public and elected officials about climate change through:
Newsletter and Email Campaigns
Conferences and Events Promoting Awareness
Support of Charities Helping Those Affected by the Impact of Climate Change
Recruiting Others to Start Grass Roots Organizations
Peaceful Citizen Activism
Gift copy of NEW book about finding our true purpose and taking positive action in the world with your donation.